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Run Information:

Bait Protein: dam1
Organism: Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Publication: Liu X. et al. (2005) Molecular analysis of kinetochore architecture in fission yeast. EMBO J 24, 2919-2930.
Comments: No comments.

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  Hit Protein Protein Desc Sequence Count Spectrum Count Sequence Coverage NSAF Mol. Wt.
[View Peptides]   dad1 DASH complex subunit Dad1 4 5 21.2% 0.18 9974
[View Peptides]   ask1 DASH complex subunit Ask1 12 15 27.7% 0.15 34593
[View Peptides]   dad3 DASH complex subunit Dad3 3 3 24.4% 0.107 9738
[View Peptides]   dad2 DASH complex subunit Dad2 3 3 30.9% 0.0978 10319
[View Peptides]   spc34 DASH complex subunit Spc34 5 5 26.2% 0.0934 19011
[View Peptides]   duo1 DASH complex subunit Duo1 4 5 25.9% 0.0923 19515
[View Peptides]   tdh1 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase Tdh1 8 9 18.5% 0.0821 35870
[View Peptides]   HSP72_SCHPO, HS7... (O59855) Probable heat shock protein ssa2, (O59855) Probable heat shock protein ssa2 8 10 9.8% 0.0474 70102
[View Peptides]   HSP71_SCHPO, HS7... (Q10265) Probable heat shock protein ssa1, (Q10265) Probable heat shock protein ssa1 7 9 8.1% 0.0429 70012
[View Peptides]   ef1a-a translation elongation factor EF-1 alpha Ef1a-a 5 6 12.6% 0.04 49661
[View Peptides]   ef1a-c, ef1a-b translation elongation factor EF-1 alpha Ef1a-c, translation elongation factor EF-1 alpha Ef1a-b 5 6 12.6% 0.04 49675
[View Peptides]   SPAC29E6.10c kinetochore protein 2 6 1.2% 0.0169 122941
[View Peptides]   SPBP22H7.05c ATPase with bromodomain protein 2 3 1.1% 0.00766 137385
[View Peptides]   SPAC1F5.11c phosphatidylinositol kinase 3 3 0.6% 0.00252 420784

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle