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Protein: EX7S_PECAS
Organism: Pectobacterium atrosepticum SCRI1043
Length: 82 amino acids
Reference: Drew K, et al. (2011) The proteome folding project: Proteome-scale prediction of structure and function. Genome Res. 2011 Sep 16

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Top Sequence Alignment Hits

Listed below are up to the top 10 sequence alignment matches, by species, for the PSI-BLAST search against the protein sequence for EX7S_PECAS.

Description E-value Query
gi|71898769, gi|... - gi|71898769|ref|ZP_00680938.1| Exonuclease VII, small subunit [Xylella fastidiosa Ann-1], gi|7173153...
99.0 [0..1] [77..49]
gi|71274977, gi|... - gi|71274977|ref|ZP_00651265.1| Exonuclease VII, small subunit [Xylella fastidiosa Dixon], gi|7116470...
gi|71729918, gi|... - gi|71900343|ref|ZP_00682478.1| Exonuclease VII, small subunit [Xylella fastidiosa Ann-1], gi|7172991...
97.0 [0..1] [77..49]
gi|67085211, gi|... - gi|67157942|ref|ZP_00419087.1| Exonuclease VII, small subunit [Azotobacter vinelandii AvOP], gi|6708...
gi|67157942 - gi|67157942|ref|ZP_00419087.1| Exonuclease VII, small subunit [Azotobacter vinelandii AvOP]
92.0 [0..1] [78..24]
gi|89952462, gi|... - gi|90022862|ref|YP_528689.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [Saccharophagus degradans 2-40],...
90.0 [0..3] [79..36]
gi|83593949, gi|... - gi|83593949|ref|YP_427701.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [Rhodospirillum rubrum ATCC 1117...
89.0 [0..6] [77..49]
EX7S_SHISS - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Shigella sonnei (strain Ss046) GN=xseB PE=3 SV=1
89.0 [0..1] [80..1]
gi|75238749, gi|... - gi|75238749|ref|ZP_00722737.1| COG1722: Exonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli F11], gi|191...
EX7S_ECOL5 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O6:K15:H31 (strain 536 / UPEC) GN=xseB PE=3...
89.0 [0..1] [80..1]
EX7S_SODGM - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Sodalis glossinidius (strain morsitans) GN=xseB PE=3 SV=1
89.0 [0..1] [82..1]
EX7S_ECOLU - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O17:K52:H18 (strain UMN026 / ExPEC) GN=xseB...
EX7S_ECO7I - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O7:K1 (strain IAI39 / ExPEC) GN=xseB PE=3 S...
EX7S_ECOUT - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli (strain UTI89 / UPEC) GN=xseB PE=3 SV=1
gi|13359933, gi|... - gi|15829730|ref|NP_308503.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. S...
EX7S_ECO27 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O127:H6 (strain E2348/69 / EPEC) GN=xseB PE...
EX7S_ECO5E - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O157:H7 (strain EC4115 / EHEC) GN=xseB PE=3...
EX7S_ESCF3 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia fergusonii (strain ATCC 35469 / DSM 13698 / CDC ...
gi|217320966, gi... - gi|217324745|ref|ZP_03440829.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 st...
EX7S_SHIF8 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Shigella flexneri serotype 5b (strain 8401) GN=xseB PE=3 SV=...
EX7S_ECO45 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O45:K1 (strain S88 / ExPEC) GN=xseB PE=3 SV...
EX7S_ECO8A - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O8 (strain IAI1) GN=xseB PE=3 SV=1
EX7S_SHIFL - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Shigella flexneri GN=xseB PE=3 SV=2
EX7S_ECO55 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli (strain 55989 / EAEC) GN=xseB PE=3 SV=1
EX7S_ECO81 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O81 (strain ED1a) GN=xseB PE=3 SV=1
gi|124500204, gi... - gi|124528867|ref|ZP_01700052.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli B], gi|124...
EG11098 - exonuclease VII small subunit / Exonuclease VII, small subunit
sp|B7UJP5|EX7S_ECO27 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O127:H6 (strain E2348/69 / EPEC) GN=xseB PE...
gi|254591006, gi... - gi|254791606|ref|YP_003076443.1| exonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. TW1435...
EX7S_ECOLC - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli (strain ATCC 8739 / DSM 1576 / Crooks) GN=x...
gi|24050588, gi|... - gi|24111800|ref|NP_706310.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [Shigella flexneri 2a str. 301],...
gi|168800304, gi... - gi|189377381|gb|EDU95797.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. E...
EX7S_ECOLI - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit (EC (Exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit) (Exonucl...
gi|168786268, gi... - gi|189373536|gb|EDU91952.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. E...
gi|30061916, gi|... - gi|30061916|ref|NP_836087.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [Shigella flexneri 2a str. 2457T...
EX7S_ECOSM - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli (strain SMS-3-5 / SECEC) GN=xseB PE=3 SV=1
EX7S_ECOL6 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O6:H1 (strain CFT073 / ATCC 700928 / UPEC) ...
EX7S_ECODH - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli (strain K12 / DH10B) GN=xseB PE=3 SV=1
EG11098 - exonuclease VII small subunit / Exonuclease VII, small subunit
gi|208807418, gi... - gi|208807418|ref|ZP_03249755.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 st...
EX7S_ECO57 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O157:H7 GN=xseB PE=3 SV=2
gi|195938511 - gi|195938511|ref|ZP_03083893.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str...
gi|208823131, gi... - gi|208823131|ref|ZP_03263449.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 st...
gi|12513278, gi|... - gi|15800152|ref|NP_286164.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933...
gi|208815238, gi... - gi|208815238|ref|ZP_03256417.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 st...
gi|189356018, gi... - gi|189356018|gb|EDU74437.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. E...
gi|168749883, gi... - gi|188015922|gb|EDU54044.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. E...
gi|168768372, gi... - gi|189362452|gb|EDU80871.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. E...
gi|189367960, gi... - gi|189367960|gb|EDU86376.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. E...
gi|188999343, gi... - gi|188999343|gb|EDU68329.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. E...
gi|187768325, gi... - gi|187768325|gb|EDU32169.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII, small subunit [Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. E...
gi|190903243, gi... - gi|75230147|ref|ZP_00716651.1| COG1722: Exonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli B7A], gi|191...
gi|192958058, gi... - gi|75237196|ref|ZP_00721243.1| COG1722: Exonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli E110019], gi...
gi|193065193, gi... - gi|75256794|ref|ZP_00728399.1| COG1722: Exonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli E22], gi|193...
gi|188492153, gi... - gi|75512483|ref|ZP_00735022.1| COG1722: Exonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli 53638], gi|1...
EX7S_ECOL6 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O6 GN=xseB PE=3 SV=2
EX7S_SHIDS - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Shigella dysenteriae serotype 1 (strain Sd197) GN=xseB PE=3 ...
EX7S_SHIBS - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Shigella boydii serotype 4 (strain Sb227) GN=xseB PE=3 SV=1
gi|89107292, gi|... - gi|89107292|ref|AP_001072.1| exonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. W3110...
gi|194432556, gi... - gi|83570310|ref|ZP_00921755.1| COG1722: Exonuclease VII small subunit [Shigella dysenteriae 1012], g...
gi|194422149, gi... - gi|83585659|ref|ZP_00924301.1| COG1722: Exonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli 101-1], gi|1...
EX7S_SHIB3 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Shigella boydii serotype 18 (strain CDC 3083-94 / BS512) GN=...
EX7S_ECO24 - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O139:H28 (strain E24377A / ETEC) GN=xseB PE...
EX7S_ECOHS - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli O9:H4 (strain HS) GN=xseB PE=3 SV=1
gi|75209978, gi|... - gi|75209978|ref|ZP_00710167.1| COG1722: Exonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli B171], gi|19...
gi|227884570, gi... - gi|227884570|ref|ZP_04002375.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli 83972], gi|...
gi|226898794, gi... - gi|237707584|ref|ZP_04538065.1| exonuclease VII [Escherichia sp. 3_2_53FAA], gi|226898794|gb|EEH8505...
EX7S_ECOBW - Exodeoxyribonuclease 7 small subunit OS=Escherichia coli (strain K12 / MC4100 / BW2952) GN=xseB PE=3...
gi|242376200, gi... - gi|251783927|ref|YP_002998231.1| hypothetical protein B21_00374 [Escherichia coli BL21], gi|24237620...
gi|254287292, gi... - gi|254287292|ref|YP_003053040.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)]...
gi|253972389, gi... - gi|254160488|ref|YP_003043596.1| exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [Escherichia coli B str. REL...
89.0 [0..1] [80..1]


Predicted Domain #1
Region A:
Residues: [1-82]
      1          11         21         31         41         51         
      |          |          |          |          |          |          

[Run NCBI BLAST on this sequence.]

Detection Method: PSI-BLAST
Confidence: 14.221849
Match: 1vp7A
Description: Crystal structure of Exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit (NP_881400.1) from Bordetella pertussis at 2.40 A resolution
Matching Structure (courtesy of the PDB):

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle