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Any process by which an organism has a behavioral effect on another organism of the same or different species. The response by the male to a hermaphrodite after initial contact following mate finding. The male stops forward locomotion, presses the ventral side of his tail against his partner's body, and begins moving backward along the hermaphrodite. Male response behavior is initiated when sensory neurons located in the rays of his tail contact a potential mate. The process, occurring above the cellular level, that is pertinent to the reproductive function of a multicellular organism. This includes the integrated processes at the level of tissues and organs. The sharp ventral turn performed by the male as he approaches either the hermaphrodite head or tail, whilst trying to locate his partner's vulva. Turning occurs via a sharp ventral coil of the male's tail. The pairwise union of individuals for the purpose of sexual reproduction, ultimately resulting in the formation of zygotes. Location, by the male, of his partner's vulva when backing along the ventral side of the hermaphrodite during mating. The male stops at the vulva, coordinates his movements to the hermaphrodite's, and positions his tail precisely over the vulva so that he may insert his spicules and ejaculate. Insertion of the male copulatory spicules into the hermaphrodite. Spicule insertion behavior initiates when the male cloaca contacts the vulva. During most mating encounters, the spicule tips will prod the vulva continuously until they partially penetrate, which then causes the protractors to contract completely so that the spicules extend through the vulva. The specific actions or reactions of an organism that are associated with reproduction in a multicellular organism. The behavioral interactions between organisms for the purpose of mating, or sexual reproduction resulting in the formation of zygotes. The specific actions or reactions of a male organism that are associated with reproduction. The specific actions or reactions of an organism that are associated with reproduction. The actions or reactions of a male, for the purpose of attracting a sexual partner. An example of this process is found in Drosophila melanogaster.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: male mating behavior
Acc: GO:0060179
Aspect: Biological Process
Desc: The specific actions or reactions of a male organism that are associated with reproduction.
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GO:0060179 - male mating behavior (interactive image map)

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