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Catalysis of the transfer of the amide nitrogen of glutamine to a variety of substrates. GATases catalyze two separate reactions at two active sites, which are located either on a single polypeptide chain or on different subunits. In the glutaminase reaction, glutamine is hydrolyzed to glutamate and ammonia, which is added to an acceptor substrate in the synthase reaction. Catalysis of the ligation of two substances via a carbon-nitrogen bond with concomitant breakage of a diphosphate linkage, usually in a nucleoside triphosphate. Catalysis of the reaction: 4 ATP + adenosylcobyrinic acid a,c-diamide + 4 L-glutamine + 4 H2O = 4 ADP + 4 phosphate + adenosylcobyric acid + 4 L-glutamate.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: adenosylcobyric acid synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity
Acc: GO:0051921
Aspect: Molecular Function
Desc: Catalysis of the reaction: 4 ATP + adenosylcobyrinic acid a,c-diamide + 4 L-glutamine + 4 H2O = 4 ADP + 4 phosphate + adenosylcobyric acid + 4 L-glutamate.
  • CobQ activity
  • 5'-deoxy-5'-adenosylcobyrinic-acid-a,c-diamide:L-glutamine amido-ligase activity
  • adenosylcobyrinic-acid-a,c-diamide:L-glutamine amido-ligase (ADP-forming)
  • Ado-cobyric acid synthase [glutamine hydrolyzing] activity
  • adenosylcobyric acid synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) activity
  • cobyric acid synthase activity
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GO:0051921 - adenosylcobyric acid synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity (interactive image map)

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle