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An action or movement due to the application of a sudden unexpected stimulus. Any process pertaining to the functions of the nervous and muscular systems of an organism. A multicellular organismal process carried out by any of the organs or tissues in an organ system. An organ system is a regularly interacting or interdependent group of organs or tissues that work together to carry out a biological objective. Any process by which an organism voluntarily modulates its posture, the alignment of its anatomical parts. Any process that an organism uses to control its balance, the orientation of the organism (or the head of the organism) in relation to the source of gravity. In humans and animals, balance is perceived through visual cues, the labyrinth system of the inner ears and information from skin pressure receptors and muscle and joint receptors. A organ system process carried out by any of the organs or tissues of neurological system.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: neuromuscular process
Acc: GO:0050905
Aspect: Biological Process
Desc: Any process pertaining to the functions of the nervous and muscular systems of an organism.
  • neuromuscular physiological process
  • neuromotor process
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GO:0050905 - neuromuscular process (interactive image map)

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle