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The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the posterior lateral line over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The posterior lateral line consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the body and trunk of all fishes and most amphibians. The posterior lateral line develops from cranial ectodermal placodes situated behind the ear. The orderly movement of a cell from one site to another, often during the development of a multicellular organism or multicellular structure. The migration of a relatively undifferentiated cell along the developing posterior lateral line, originating from cranial ectodermal placodes situated behind the ear. The neuromast primordium deposits proneuromasts along the lateral line, from which the neuromasts will develop. The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the lateral line over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The lateral line consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head and body of all fishes and most amphibians. The lateral line develops from cranial ectodermal placodes situated behind the ear and between the eye and ear. The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the posterior lateral line system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The posterior lateral line system develops from cranial ectodermal placodes, situated behind the ear, that give rise to both the neuromasts and the posterior lateral line sensory nerves that innervate the neuromasts. The posterior lateral line system consists of small sensory patches (neuromasts) located superficially on the skin or just under the skin in fluid-filled canals on the head of all fishes and most amphibians. The neuromasts are innervated by several lateral line nerves, which project primarily to the hindbrain. The posterior mechanosensory lateral line system is stimulated by local water displacements and vibrations, and detects propulsion of the fish through the water, as well as facilitating shoaling, prey capture, and predator and obstacle avoidance. The migration of a cluster of a relatively undifferentiated cell originating at specific cephalic placodes and depositing proneuromasts along a developing lateral line, from which the neuromasts will develop.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: posterior lateral line neuromast primordium migration
Acc: GO:0048920
Aspect: Biological Process
Desc: The migration of a relatively undifferentiated cell along the developing posterior lateral line, originating from cranial ectodermal placodes situated behind the ear. The neuromast primordium deposits proneuromasts along the lateral line, from which the neuromasts will develop.
  • PLL neuromast primordium migration
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GO:0048920 - posterior lateral line neuromast primordium migration (interactive image map)

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