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Any constituent part of a pilus, a proteinaceous hair-like appendage on the surface of bacteria ranging from 2-8 nm in diameter. The pointed extremity furthest from the cell of a pilus. The long, slender, mid section of a pilus. Any constituent part of a cell, the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms. A constituent part of an intracellular organelle, an organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, occurring within the cell. Includes constituent parts of the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton but excludes the plasma membrane. Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, occurring within the cell. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton. Excludes the plasma membrane. Any constituent part of the living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm. A proteinaceous hair-like appendage on the surface of bacteria ranging from 2-8 nm in diameter. A prolongation or process extending from a cell, e.g. a flagellum or axon. Any constituent part of a cell projection, a prolongation or process extending from a cell, e.g. a flagellum or axon. Any constituent part of an organelle, an organized structure of distinctive morphology and function. Includes constituent parts of the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton, but excludes the plasma membrane.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: pilus part
Acc: GO:0044443
Aspect: Cellular Component
Desc: Any constituent part of a pilus, a proteinaceous hair-like appendage on the surface of bacteria ranging from 2-8 nm in diameter.
  • fimbrium component
  • pilus component
  • fimbrial part
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   Term or descendants: 0


GO:0044443 - pilus part (interactive image map)

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