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The process by which nucleated precursor cells lose their nucleus during erythrocyte maturation. A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for an erythrocyte to attain its fully functional state. The process aimed at the progression of an enucleate erythrocyte over time, from initial commitment of the cell to a specific fate, to the fully functional differentiated cell. The process aimed at the progression of an erythrocyte over time, from initial commitment of the cell to a specific fate, to the fully functional differentiated cell. A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for a cell to attain its fully functional state. The process by which a myeloid precursor cell acquires specialized features of an erythrocyte without a nucleus. An example of this process is found in Mus musculus. A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for an enucleate erythrocyte to attain its fully functional state. An enucleate erythrocyte is an erythrocyte without a nucleus.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: enucleate erythrocyte maturation
Acc: GO:0043354
Aspect: Biological Process
Desc: A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for an enucleate erythrocyte to attain its fully functional state. An enucleate erythrocyte is an erythrocyte without a nucleus.
  • enucleate RBC maturation
  • enucleate red blood cell maturation
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GO:0043354 - enucleate erythrocyte maturation (interactive image map)

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle