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The chemical reactions and pathways involving aromatic compounds, any organic compound characterized by one or more planar rings, each of which contains conjugated double bonds and delocalized pi electrons, as carried out by individual cells. The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of aromatic compounds, any substance containing an aromatic carbon ring. A pathway of aromatic compound degradation by ortho-cleavage; one branch converts protocatechuate, derived from phenolic compounds, to beta-ketoadipate, and the other branch converts catechol, generated from various aromatic hydrocarbons, amino aromatics, and lignin monomers, also to beta-ketoadipate. Two additional steps accomplish the conversion of beta-ketoadipate to tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates. The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of substances, carried out by individual cells. The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of catechol via the ortho-cleavage pathway, in which the catechol aromatic ring is broken between the two carbon atoms bearing hydroxyl groups.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: beta-ketoadipate pathway
Acc: GO:0042952
Aspect: Biological Process
Desc: A pathway of aromatic compound degradation by ortho-cleavage; one branch converts protocatechuate, derived from phenolic compounds, to beta-ketoadipate, and the other branch converts catechol, generated from various aromatic hydrocarbons, amino aromatics, and lignin monomers, also to beta-ketoadipate. Two additional steps accomplish the conversion of beta-ketoadipate to tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates.
  • ortho-cleavage pathway
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GO:0042952 - beta-ketoadipate pathway (interactive image map)

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