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The shedding of the old protein-based cuticular fragments during the molting cycle. Examples of this process are found in invertebrates. The shedding of the old collagen and cuticulin-based cuticle fragments during the molting cycle. Examples of this process are found in invertebrates. The periodic casting off and regeneration of an outer covering of cuticle, feathers, hair, horns, skin, etc. The shedding of the old chitin-based cuticlar fragments during the molting cycle. An example of this is found in Drosophila melanogaster. The periodic shedding of part or all of a protein-based cuticle, which is then replaced by a new protein-based cuticle. A cuticle is the outer layer of an animal which acts to prevent water loss. A multicellular organismal process involved in the periodic casting off and regeneration of an outer covering of cuticle, feathers, hair, horns, skin.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: ecdysis, protein-based cuticle
Acc: GO:0042394
Aspect: Biological Process
Desc: The shedding of the old protein-based cuticular fragments during the molting cycle. Examples of this process are found in invertebrates.
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GO:0042394 - ecdysis, protein-based cuticle (interactive image map)

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle