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The disaggregation of a macromolecular complex into its constituent components. Any process that is carried out at the cellular level, but not necessarily restricted to a single cell. For example, cell communication occurs among more than one cell, but occurs at the cellular level. A cellular process that results in the breakdown of a part of the cell. The disaggregation of a protein-DNA complex into its constituent components. The disaggregation of a protein-RNA complex into its constituent components. The disaggregation of a macromolecular complex into its constituent components, carried out at the cellular level. The disassembly into constituent parts of the low-density lipoprotein particle in the lysosome that contributes to cholesterol transport. Any process by which macromolecules aggregate, disaggregate, or are modified, resulting in the formation, disassembly, or alteration of a macromolecular complex. Any process carried out at the cellular level by which macromolecules aggregate, disaggregate, or are modified, resulting in the formation, disassembly, or alteration of a macromolecular complex. The disaggregation of a protein complex into its constituent components, occurring at the level of an individual cell. Protein complexes may have other associated non-protein prosthetic groups, such as nucleic acids, metal ions or carbohydrate groups.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: cellular macromolecular complex disassembly
Acc: GO:0034623
Aspect: Biological Process
Desc: The disaggregation of a macromolecular complex into its constituent components, carried out at the cellular level.
  • cellular macromolecule complex disassembly
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   Term or descendants: 496 [Search]


GO:0034623 - cellular macromolecular complex disassembly (interactive image map)

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle