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Any particle of coalesced lipids in the cytoplasm of a cell. May include associated proteins. Any constituent part of the cytoplasm, all of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures. All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures. A lipid monolayer that surrounds and encloses an organelle. A constituent part of an intracellular organelle, an organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, occurring within the cell. Includes constituent parts of the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton but excludes the plasma membrane. Any constituent part of the living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm. The single layer of phopholipids surrounding a lipid storage body. A subcellular organelle of plant cells surrounded by 'half-unit' or a monolayer membrane instead of the more usual bilayer. The storage body has a droplet of triglyceride surrounded by a monolayer of phospholipids, interacting with the triglycerides and the hydrophilic head groups facing the cytosol, and containing major protein components called oleosins. Organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, bounded by a single or double lipid bilayer membrane and occurring within the cell. Includes the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, and vesicles. Excludes the plasma membrane.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body outer lipid monolayer
Acc: GO:0034430
Aspect: Cellular Component
Desc: The single layer of phopholipids surrounding a lipid storage body.
  • lipid droplet outer lipid monolayer
  • oil body outer lipid monolayer
  • spherosome outer lipid monolayer
  • oleosome outer lipid monolayer
  • lipid storage body surface lipid monolayer
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GO:0034430 - monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body outer lipid monolayer (interactive image map)

YRC Informatics Platform - Version 3.0
Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle