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Any constituent part of the cytoplasm, all of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures. Any member of a family of organelles found in the cytoplasm of plants and some protists, which are membrane-bounded and contain DNA. Plant plastids develop from a common type, the proplastid. A protein complex composed of four different subunits that possesses ADPG pyrophosphorylase activity. An example of this process is found in Mus musculus. An ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex found in the amyloplast. Any constituent part of a plastid, a member of a family of organelles found in the cytoplasm of plants and some protists, which are membrane-bounded and contain DNA. Plant plastids develop from a common type, the proplastid. An ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex found in the chloroplast. A constituent part of an intracellular organelle, an organized structure of distinctive morphology and function, occurring within the cell. Includes constituent parts of the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, vacuoles, vesicles, ribosomes and the cytoskeleton but excludes the plasma membrane. Complex that possesses ADPG pyrophosphorylase activity. In all organisms where it has been found, the complex is a tetramer. In bacteria, it is a homotetramer. In plants, the complex is a heterotetramer composed small and large subunits. An ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex found in a plastid.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: plastid ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex
Acc: GO:0031009
Aspect: Cellular Component
Desc: An ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex found in a plastid.
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GO:0031009 - plastid ADPG pyrophosphorylase complex (interactive image map)

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle