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Synthesis and deposition of a chitin-based noncellular, hardened, or membranous secretion from an epithelial sheet. An example of this process is found in Drosophila melanogaster. A biological process whose specific outcome is the progression of an integrated living unit: an anatomical structure (which may be a subcellular structure, cell, tissue, or organ), or organism over time from an initial condition to a later condition. Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of chitin-based cuticular tanning. Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of chitin-based cuticular tanning. Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of chitin-based cuticular tanning. The cross-linking of chitin and other cuticle proteins, rendering them insoluble and hardening the cuticle. This process generally darkens the color of the cuticle. A developmental process, independent of morphogenetic (shape) change, that is required for an anatomical structure, cell or cellular component to attain its fully functional state. Attaching of a protein-based cuticle to the epithelium underlying it. Synthesis and deposition of the chitin-based cuticle of adults following the apolysis of the pupal cuticle. The adult insect cuticle contains cuticullin, a protein epicuticle and a lamellate procuticle. An example of this process is adult chitin-based cuticle development in Drosophila melanogaster. A multicellular organismal process involved in the periodic casting off and regeneration of an outer covering of cuticle, feathers, hair, horns, skin. The periodic shedding of part or all of a protein-based cuticle, which is then replaced by a new protein-based cuticle. A cuticle is the outer layer of an animal which acts to prevent water loss. Establishment of the adult pattern of pigmentation in the chitin-containing cuticle of an organism. An example of this is the adult cuticle pigmentation process in Drosophila melanogaster.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: chitin-based cuticle tanning
Acc: GO:0007593
Aspect: Biological Process
Desc: The cross-linking of chitin and other cuticle proteins, rendering them insoluble and hardening the cuticle. This process generally darkens the color of the cuticle.
  • cuticle hardening
  • GO:0045452
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GO:0007593 - chitin-based cuticle tanning (interactive image map)

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