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The process whereby a signal is passed on to downstream components within the cell, which become activated themselves to further propagate the signal and finally trigger a change in the function or state of the cell. The process whereby a signal is passed on from a receptor at the cell surface to downstream components within the cell, which become activated themselves to further propagate the signal and finally trigger a change in the function or state of the cell. The series of molecular signals that are initiated by the transmembrane protein Smoothened. In the presence of a Hedgehog signaling molecule, the Patched protein no longer inhibits the activity of Smoothened, and Smoothened signals via the Hedgehog signaling complex to activate downstream components of the Hedgehog signaling pathway. Any process that increases the activity of a transcription factor that activates transcription of Hedgehog-target genes in response to Smoothened signaling. In Drosophila, Cubitus interruptus (Ci) is the only identified transcription factor so far in the Hedgehog signaling pathway. In vertebrates, members of the Gli protein family are activated in this way. Activation of the Gli/Ci transcription factor is distinct from its stabilization, when proteolytic cleavage is inhibited. Any series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of an extracellular ligand to a receptor on the surface of the target cell. The series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of activation of the transmembrane protein Smoothened.

View Gene Ontology (GO) Term


Name: signal transduction downstream of smoothened
Acc: GO:0007227
Aspect: Biological Process
Desc: The series of molecular signals that are initiated by the transmembrane protein Smoothened. In the presence of a Hedgehog signaling molecule, the Patched protein no longer inhibits the activity of Smoothened, and Smoothened signals via the Hedgehog signaling complex to activate downstream components of the Hedgehog signaling pathway.
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GO:0007227 - signal transduction downstream of smoothened (interactive image map)

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle