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Run Information:

Bait Protein: UTP25
Organism: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Publication: Hazbun TR, et al. (2003) Assigning function to yeast proteins by integration of technologies. Mol Cell 12(6):1353-65
Comments: No comments.

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  Hit Protein Protein Desc Sequence Count Spectrum Count Sequence Coverage NSAF Mol. Wt.
[View Peptides]   UTP25 Nucleolar protein that cosediments with the 40S ribosomal subunit and is required for its biogenesis... 41 140 42.7% 0.906 83991
[View Peptides]   YBR235W Putative ion transporter, similar to mammalian electroneutral Na(+)-(K+)-C1- cotransporter family; Y... 2 3 2.0% 0.0125 123998
[View Peptides]   IES5 Protein that associates with the INO80 chromatin remodeling complex under low-salt conditions 2 2 14.4% 0.0747 14312
[View Peptides]   MMS22 Protein that acts with Mms1p in a repair pathway that may be involved in resolving replication inter... 2 2 2.8% 0.00642 167682

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Created and Maintained by: Michael Riffle